viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2007

The advantages and disadvantages of the marriage

Marriage is an option of life, not all the people agree with this important decision, because a relation so important like this involves a lot of responsabilities, such as efforts, sacrifices, taking common decisions, communication and facing troubles.

To get a good marriage is like winning the lottery, because only some people have good luck and others don’t.

Marriage, has advantages and disadvantages, of course the advantages are the building of the family, which is the basis of the society. Moreover with the couple you can share feelings, emotions, and everything in your life. Everytime you become stronger in the relation.

In contrast with this position, the marriage is very difficult because you have to be ready to give and take in any relationship. Sometimes freedom is restricted by one of the member in a couple. A part from that, another disadvantage is the lack of communication which provokes serious problems.

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